In early December, Carlos M. Jarque visited
the various branch offices of FCC in Barce-
lona where he met with the Group’s emplo-
yees and managers to explain his strategy
and to learn first-hand their opinion on the
current projects in the different areas and to
analyse the future of the Group in Catalonia.
During his stay in the city, he visited several
installations in Balmes street as well the Ar-
chive and Documentation premises where a
large part of the documents of the Citizen
Services Group are stored. He also visited
the Carriage Museum in the Vall d’Hebron
district. The Group’s CEO met with the ma-
nagers of the Construction, Environment
and Water divisions who described the
evolution of their respective business areas
as well as the projects in which they are cu-
rrently working for the future. Jarque also
wanted to hear about the opinions and the
concerns of the members of the workforce
of the different departments with whom he
conversed for a long time.
Achieve better results
The Group’s CEO expressed his conviction
that the result of this teamwork would be
enhanced earnings performance that would
be reflected in the Group’s balance sheet.
To this end, he invited all to “work with
enthusiasm and creativity”.
Jarque, accompanied by Bjorn Mittendorfer,
the senior executive at FCC Medio Ambien-
te CEE; visited the facilities at Zistersdorf (50
kilometres north of Vienna); a waste to ener-
gy facility which generates nearly 110,000
MW of electricity from non-hazardous urban
and industrial waste.