The quality processes at FCC projects
are also strict. In this sense, the engi-
neer Saraí Solís, Quality technician at
FCC explained that 2 several controls
and quality processes are implemen-
ted, just as in any other project exe-
cuted by FCC”. She highlighted one of
the aspects, “the control of the tem-
perature of concrete which cannot ex-
ceed a temperature of 32°C, applying
this to all the structures which are part
of the project and one of the requisites
of AyA.”
Another important aspect is the ins-
tallation of pipes made of PRFV and
malleable ductile iron. The engineer
explained that from the moment that
these pipes arrived at the project, se-
veral aspects were examined, such as
the diameter, thickness and physical
aspect to verify that they complied
with the specifications of the project’s
In this way, FCC will contribute a pro-
ject which will be of great benefit for
the well-being of people, all of which
is achieved thanks to the teamwork
and technological capabilities with a
permanent seal of quality.
Quality at
FCC projects
T h e P l a c e