and for downloading the information in
Aqualia’s and the City Council’s website,
making them available for consultation.
Control the quality of potable water at
the branch office, control of incidences,
performance of water quality inspections
and implement measures whenever wa-
ter quality problems are detected.
Provide information and welcome visitors
to the WWTP or to certain departments.
Tests that are not usually performed in
other laboratories such as microscopic
Determining the amount of algae,
diatoms, cyanobacteria, green
algae, etc. mainly for contro-
lling water supply, the lagooning
system, and for determining the
ecological quality of rivers and
reservoirs as contemplated in the
Framework Standard.
Calculating the amounts of ma-
cro invertebrates especially for
determining the ecological qua-
lity of the rivers.
Determining the species of mi-
croorganisms that generate pro-
blems in respect of treatment,
odour, taste, and the toxicity of
water (some types of algae, pro-
tozoa, or small metazoa.
The microscopic state of the ae-
ration basins to determine the
origin of functional problems
such as the appearance of scum
or bulking.
Toxicity tests based on biolumi-
nescence are also performed.
T h e P l a c e