T h e P l a c e
in the aeration basins. This novel rotating
machine does not have any bearings and
has, instead, bearings and several magnets
which makes it levitate thereby avoiding fric-
tion and reducing energy consumption.
The surplus sludge - formed by the micro-
organisms generated in the biological re-
actor – and the solids removed during the
preliminary treatment, are introduced in the
4,500 m3 anaerobic digester where several
reactions take place to produce the diges-
ted sludge (future fertilizer) and biogas.
Lastly, the water passes through an ultra-
filtration system in the hollow membrane
reactor (MBR) with pores measuring 0.035
microns, which totally eliminate the suspen-
ded solids before discharging it into the ri-
The plant has an ultraviolet installation
which makes it possible to leave the water
ready for use again thanks to a radiation
process that damages the genetic structure
of bacteria, virus, or other pathogens which
eliminates their reproductive capacity.
The enlargement has resulted
in increased treatment capacity and the
replacement of equipment