re were beaters in the surface that merely
beat the water.
Water under control
Applying new technologies not only ensures
the quality of the water and the functioning
of the plant; it is also essential to be able to
pass the strict controls of the Ministry of the
Environment as well as other controls. Wor-
kers are an essential part of the process and
FCC Aqualia has a highly qualified team and
the most innovative material resources in
the market to perform any type of analytical
tests required by the Administration.
Twelve people work at the wastewater
treatment plant throughout the entire year,
365 days, in the morning, afternoon, and
night shifts. This ensures the proper functio-
ning of the plant and its maintenance. It also
ensures that the water poured into the Las
Cogotas (58.8 Hm³) and the Fuentes Claras
(0.8 Hm³) reservoirs comply with the manda-
tory health guarantees.
Special administrations have been created
to handle water resources, specialised in the
protection and the sustainable use of water,
a trend that has been reinforced with the
implementation of measures and by organi-
zations such as Confederations, UNESCO,
State Water Companies (Acuaes and Acua-
Med), and others, all of which ensure the ful-
filment of the two principles.
Beyond water
Another essential part of this process is the
management of resources to increase ener-
gy efficiency and self-sufficiency. Sludge and
biogas, two of the by-products obtained in
this cycle, are totally used.
From water up to the last protozoa,
everything passes through the
laboratory’s magnifying lens
One of the essential elements of a WWT is
a laboratory, where more than 29,000 tests
are performed of which 6,500 relate to slud-
ge and soil as required by law. Also manda-
tory are the tests for industrial waste which
total a minimum of 24 samples of effluents
each year. Official organisations can take
samples without any prior notice whenever
they deem it necessary and, accordingly, the
laboratory is always ready to demonstrate
the strict controls implemented at the Ávila
The main controls performed at the la-
boratory are as follow:
Analysis of the inflow and outflow wa-
Control of intermediate process. Physi-
cal-chemical control and microbiologi-
cal study to detect organisms.
Control of the sludge and gas lines.
The amounts of solids, the pH, alkali-
nity, acids, etc. of the sludge is analy-
sed. The proportion of methane, CO
hydrogen sulphide, hexane, and other
substances in biogas are tested.
Samples and control tests of the was-
te originating in industries as well as
the leachate from the provincial landfill
Control waste discharged in the river.
Legally mandatory tests of sludge and
soil used in agriculture. The WWTP of
Ávila performs this function for all of Cas-
tile and León, analysing approximately
800 samples of soil and 100 samples of
sludge, pursuant to Spanish Royal De-
cree 1310/1990.
Legally mandatory tests for controlling
the other 25 wastewater treatment
plants in Ávila, Segovia and Soria.
Eutrophication tests in reservoirs and ri-
vers to determine the amount of algae
in the water supply to prevent mana-
gement problems at the potable water
treatment plants as well as odours and
Control of the natural sources not con-
nected to the Ávila service. This is done
for recording these tests, issuing reports,
that passes through
those pores remains
there, ensuring the
highest quality of the
water that comes out
By José Luis Arribas,
Manager of the WWTP laboratory
in Ávila