Communication Network- Nº24 - page 57

International Seminar on Road Safety at Work
Road accidents while on the job
in the Group’s prevention agenda
Last June, Fundación Mapfre and the Eu-
ropean Transport Safety Council, (ETSC) or-
ganised the PRASE1 seminar to present the
main conclusions of the first report drafted
as part of this European project, concluding
that investment in the prevention of road ac-
cidents at work is a profitable investment for
companies and organisations.
The PRASE1 project is coordinated by the
European Transport Safety Council, ETSC)
and was co-funded by the European Com-
mission. It is currently supported by Funda-
ción Mapfre, the German Board on Road Sa-
fety, and the Belgian Institute of Road Safety.
The aim of the project is to recognise good
practices in order to help companies and all
types of institutions to increase road safety
requisites and prevent their employees from
suffering injuries.
The seminar brought together the heads of
various European, Spanish and Basque oc-
cupational health and hygiene institutes who
explained to the audience the most signifi-
cant figures on road accidents at work and
the measures implemented by the adminis-
trations to reduce the rate of traffic accidents.
Several companies, including FCC, described
their experience in managing work-road ha-
zards. Carolina Esteban Vitutia, a Prevention
Technician from the FCC Medio Ambiente
division, presented at the auditorium the Stra-
tegic Plan for road Safety which is currently
being prepared by her area and described the
most significant measures being implemen-
ted in the urban sanitation services sector.
FCC Medio Ambiente has a fleet of 12,000
vehicles and 30,000 employees working in
public thoroughfares.
FCC and Fundación MAPFRE
Measures implemented
in the services area
The collaboration agreement between FCC and Funda-
ción Mapfre was signed in 2010 within the framework of
the FCC 2010-2015 Strategic Road Safety Plan and, sin-
ce then, the company has participated in several seminars
and dissemination forum on the work that the company is
carrying out in matters relating to road safety, an effort that
is considered a national and international reference.
Management measures (policies, procedures, com-
munications, inspection, etc.)
Human factor measures (helmet for waste collection
workers, training, awareness-building, etc.)
Measures on factors relating to the street and surroun-
dings routes, climate conditions, complaints, etc.)
Vehicle-related measures (extinguishers, reflective
vests, presence cards, acoustic warnings, speed li-
mit monitors, cameras and mirrors, etc.)
See PPT presentation
Carolina Esteban Vitutia,
Prevention Technician at
the FCC Medio Ambiente
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