Communication Network- Nº24 - page 43

s o c i a l
r e s p on s i b i l i t y
The employees of FCC’s central offices in
Panama toured the Visitor’s Centre of the
Hospital City where they were able to learn
the details of this mega-project being built
by Construcciones Hospitalarias, an FCC
and FCC Construcción consortium.
During the event, in keeping with the
Company’s corporate social responsibility
policy, the collaborators expressed their sa-
tisfaction at being able to learn the details
of this project being built by the Company.
Hospital City is a Caja de Seguro Social
(CSS) project that aims to become a health-
care reference in Central America. In order
to enable CSS workers and external per-
sonnel to learn about the project, training
courses and talks are organised on a daily
FCC employees
Panama’s Hospital City project
basis to provide information on its functio-
nalities, the reasons for building it, and all
other project-related aspects.
The Hospital City is situated in the Chivo
Chivo district at the former Clayton Ante-
nnae Field. It spreads over a 31.9-hectare
area and has 219,000 m
of built space
where several buildings are being built to
house several medical specialities, including
paediatrics, cardiology, internal medicine,
maternal and child healthcare, operating
rooms, outpatient facilities, a day-care
hospital, several specialised rehabilitation
facilities, and a hospital residence.
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