Vigo City Council and FCC Medio Ambien-
te, the company that has had the waste
collection and cleaning contract for the city
since 1989 launched the campaign “What
comes to Cíes must return from Cíes” the
main objective of which is to reduce was-
te in Cíes Islands and implement and re-
cycling culture and awareness among the
visitors to the natural park.
Vigo City Council and FCC
launch a recycling campaign
in Cíes Islands
Through its campaign,
“What comes to Cíes must
return from Cíes”, Vigo
City Council and
FCC Medio Ambiente
distributed 20,000
recycling bags
this summer among
visitors to the islands to
enable them to sort the
waste generated
during their stay.
The goal is to have
UNESCO declare this
paradise in Galicia
a World Heritage Site.
As part of the program, 20,000 recycling
bags in different colours (blue, yellow and
green) were distributed among those who
take the ferry to visit the islands. This
enables them to sort waste; paper, plas-
tic containers and glass in the different
coloured bags. Upon their return from the
Islands, they are able to deposit the waste
bags at the containers installed at the Vigo
Maritime Station.
FCC Medio Ambiente takes care of the
waste from restaurants and camping sites
at Cíes where it collects approximately 18
tonnes of waste during July and August.
The waste collected just during the week-
ends totals nearly 1,200 kilos.
Recycling to become a World Heritage
Abel Caballero, the mayor of Vigo, said du-
ring the presentation of the Cíes recycling
campaign that the main objective is that
this practice “becomes a habit among all
visitors for the maintenance and cleanli-
ness of the natural park. Waste at Cíes po-
ses a danger for the survival of the various
species and disrupts the natural balance”.
Caballero said that in the coming months
a proposal would be submitted for ha-
ving the Cíes Islands declared a World
Heritage Site by the United Nations Edu-
cation, Science and Culture Organization
(UNESCO). The objective is that recycling,
as promoted in the “What comes to Cíes
must return from Cíes” campaign, beco-
mes a habit among visitors to the islands.