also possible to travel to the islands in a pri-
vate boat although it is necessary to obtain
a permit from the Natural Park.
Once at the islands, the park offers a cam-
ping site and a restaurant for visitors. These
two spaces must be kept as clean as pos-
sible since the goal is to protect the geo-
graphical and environmental surroundings
as much as possible. Accordingly, the clea-
ning and waste collection tasks performed
by FCC Medio Ambiente are essential so as
to be able to fulfil all the preservation ob-
Beaches, fauna and seabeds
Crystal-clear waters and fine and white
sand are the elements at the nine virgin
beaches at Cíes. Rodas beach is one of
the main attractions and the other eight
beaches are easily accessible thanks to the
Cíes hiking trail. These beaches include Fi-
gueiras, Bolos and Nosa Señora.
The 22,000 couples of yellow-legged sea-
gulls that live in Cíes is the largest colony in
the world and the dominant species at the
islands. They are accompanied by 2,500
couples of tufted cormorants, dark seagulls
and many other birds that share their ha-
bitat with several types of wild mammals
such as rabbits, otters and hedgehogs.
The specimens in the air and on the ground
contrast with the ones that can be found
in the waters around the islands. The un-
derwater life in Cíes is one of the richest