FCC Aqualia is in
charge of the service and
the special operations
during the pilgrimage,
being the company
entrusted with managing
this municipal service
Joy and devotion
The pilgrimage begins on the thousand-
year old paths near the River Guadalquivir.
The pilgrims and brotherhoods all meet
during the walk which is decorated with
flowers and flags, while singing and praising
the Virgin.
The Virgin of El Rocío is taken out on the
procession on the dawn of Pentecost
Monday and that is when the traditional
“jumping over the gate” takes place. The
residents of Almonte take the Virgin on the
procession and carry her on their shoul-
ders throughout the village.
At night, people drink, sing and dance at
the camp and the sandy wind carries the
sound of flamenco guitars and tambouri-
nes which liven up the night.
a power generator at the EL Lobo WWPS
since all the waste from the village arrives
at this facility from where it is pumped to
the WWTP.
During the pilgrimage in 2015, 225 tests
were performed and more than 40 samples
were taken, including those for controlling
the internal processes. The following para-
meters were controlled for the input and the
treated output water: pH, electric conducti-
vity, DBO5, DQO, solids in suspension, to-
tal nitrogen and total phosphorus.
The water, after processing, is discharged
in optimal conditions in the Caño Marín
brook, which contains only water from the
treatment plant that is finally discharged in
the Doñana marshes. This brook passes
through the village and the landmark Puen-
te del Rey which is used by the pilgrims to
enter this village in Almonte.
Aqualia, as part of its commitment to the
environment through its end-to-end water
management, carries out its work within
the context of the Romero 2015 Plan (as it
has done in the past 23 years) jointly with all
the other public administration and service
companies that work during the El Rocío