For FCC, glass recycling is a key activity
and the company has broad experience
in the industry through FCC Ámbito, the
subsidiary engaging in managing industrial
waste. The Citizen Services Group has two
treatment plants in Cadrete and Muel (both
in Zaragoza) and another one in Sagunto
Harbour (Valencia). The three facilities pro-
cess more than 135,000 tons of glass each
year, at the urban source (hollow glass) as
well as in the industry (hollow and flat).
Besides complying with environmental pro-
visions to optimise glass recycling proces-
ses, these plants provide services to nu-
merous companies that generate industrial
glass waste (glass factories, bottling plants,
hollow and flat glass production furnaces,
car scrappers and recyclers, etc.) nationwi-
de, contributing in each case the most ap-
propriate containers with capacity ranging
from 1 to 40 cubic metres. The excellence
in the operations of these plants has been
recognised by AENOR which has granted
the Certificates for Integrated Quality, Envi-
ronmental Management, and Prevention of
Occupational Hazards Systems.
These management systems implemented
at FCC Ámbito’s plants make it possible for
glass recycled at these plants are not con-
sidered waste but rather recovered glass,
thereby complying with the guidelines of EU
Regulation No. 1179/2012 of the Commis-
sion enacted on 10 December 2012which
defines the criteria to determine when reco-
vered glass is no longer waste. FCC Ámbito
is the first Spanish company to obtain this
FCC Ámbito’s plants feature the most ad-
vanced technology to provide services to a
population of more than 4.7 million through
20,000 containers distributed in all the ci-
FCC Ámbito processes
more than 135,000 tons
of glass each year
ties and towns in Aragón and La Rioja and
in the provinces of Valencia and Castellón.
All three types of glass for other than tra-
ditional uses are processed, recycled, and
sold at the three FCC Ámbito plants.
Fine glass of optimal quality
One of the main secondary materials ob-
tained from the glass recycling process is
fine glass. This product has great ecological
and environmental advantages since it is
free of contamination and is of great quality,
in terms of size, colour, texture, etc.
Thanks to its non-porousness, hardness
and its scratch-resistant qualities, fine glass
has multiple applications. It is used in the
construction business for kitchen coun-
tertops, façades, and flooring, to decora-
te greenhouses and landscaped areas, it
is also used in glass fibre for thermal and