h e p l a c e
In 2014, the recycling rate
in Spain was 68.9%,
making it the leading
European country in glass
sively over the coming years from 70% in
2020 to 80% by 2025, and up to 90% by
2030. These values indicated that we must
continue to join our efforts in order to in-
crease the selective collection by members
of the community using the igloo-type con-
tainers placed in the streets thereby minimi-
sing the amount of glass from other types
of collections.
Why should we recycle glass? This material
is recycled because it can be re-used com-
pletely thereby preventing the extraction of
the raw materials required for its production
and, consequently, the impact on the envi-
The extraction of 833,000 tonnes of raw
materials and the emission of 465,000 tons
of Co2 were prevented in 2014. This means
a savings of 1,875,000 megawatts/hour of
energy. Recycling 3,000 bottles of glass
saves more than one tonne of raw mate-
rials. The energy saved by recycling a bottle
could keep 100 watt lightbulb lit during 4
hours and with the recycling of 4 bottles, a
refrigerator could be turned on for an entire
All these figures would not be realistic
without the 195,000 containers distribu-
ted throughout Spain.
This means that there
is one container for
every 240 inhabitants,
their collaboration in
the task of recycling.
According to data
provided by Ecovidrio,
a non-profit organiza-
tion in charge of ma-
naging the recycling
of glass containers
deposited throughout
Spain, 75% of Spa-
nish homes say that
they always separate
glass and 56% state
that they have a glass
container for recycling
at a distance of less
than 50 metres. For
78% of the popula-
tion, recycling contri-
butes to the economic and social develo-
pment of Spain.
From an obligation, to a habit
This awareness is the result of years of so-
cial education. The message to the popu-
lation on the importance of a simple task,
such as separating waste, has expanded
from generation to generation. School cam-
paigns reinforce the example set at homes.
Having youngsters become involved in re-
cycling is essential for adopting this habit as
an attitude rather than an obligation.
Companies in the beverage sector have
also done their homework and have made
an essential contribution by being involved
in the glass recycling cycle. Producers of
beer, wine, and spirits have reduced the
amount of glass used in the bottles to im-
prove the recycling process. Ecodesign
means that they are committed to: reducing
the weight of the bottles and packaging
used; improving the environmental quality
of the bottles and the possibility of their re-
cycling; and implementing good practices
in the in-house management of waste bott-
les. Thanks to the 6,000 prevention mea-
sures and Ecodesign implemented since
1998, the average weigh of glass bottles
has been reduced by 10%.