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Attached to the Ministry of Agriculture,

Food and the Environment

FCC Medio Ambiente,

the first company registered

in the Climate Change Registry

The registration of FCC Medio Ambiente

in the registry underscores the Company’s

commitment to the fight against climate

change and its firm commitment to reach a

low carbon economy.

As the first Spanish company in the urban

sanitation industry to have certified the car-

bon footprint of its organization in 2011 has

enabled it to be the first company in the

sector to have requested and subsequently

registered in the Carbon Footprint registry.


This registration implies the recognition of

the company’s efforts and willingness to

calculate its greenhouse gas emission (GEI)

in order to be able to reduce and offset

them thereby supporting Spain’s strategy

aimed at reducing these types of emissions.

The calculation of FCC Medio Ambiente’s

carbon footprint makes it possible for the

company to have a certified methodology

for calculating the carbon footprint and in-

tensity indicators of the services that it pro-

vides: solid urban waste collection, street

cleaning, and upkeep and maintenance of

parks and gardens.

It will also make it easier to design and offer

a new advisory service on how to develop

an efficient environmental management of

resources (energy and water) and to ac-

company its clients in developing a com-

prehensive sustainable urban development.

Moreover, it will enable it to contribute

added value to its commercial service offe-

ring by capitalising on good practices.

All the work carried out in calculating and

monitoring GEI emissions, collabora-

ting directly with the managers of waste

treatment, recycling and elimination of so-

lid urban waste, has prompted FCC Medio

Ambiente to become part of the Climate

Project (FES CO


) being conducted by the

Ministry of Agriculture, Food and the Envi-

ronment (MAGRAMA, Spanish acronym).

In July 2014, the company submitted a

proposal on the project for reducing GEI

emissions known as “Degasification of the

controlled deposit of urban solid waste in

Gomecillo” in the province of Salamanca.

The 400,000 euro project was recently se-

lected by the MAGRAMA’s Spanish Office

of Climate Change (OECC) which will com-

pare over the course of the next four years,

the reduction of emissions.

FCC Medio Ambiente, in order to consoli-

date the progress made to date, will conti-

nue to wager on a service offering and good

practices that promote the creation of value

and fulfils the expectations of its clients in

the demand of services that are efficient in

terms of the use of resources, energy as

well as water, and the minimisation of GEI.

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