FCC Aqualia awarded the
+ Sustainability + Network prize as a
Great Sustainable Company
The prize, which was given by the José Manuel Soria, minister of Industry,
Energy and Tourism, recognises the innovation of ELAN
the sustainable wastewater treatment project.
In an event celebrated last 28 November
at the Madrid headquarters of Instituto de
Empresa, FCC Aqualia was recognised as
a “Major Sustainable Company” thanks to
its ELAN
(Autotrophic Elimination of Nitro-
gen) project.
Developed by the Company’s R+D team
jointly with the University of Santiago de
Compostela (USC), the Ministry of Eco-
nomy and Competitiveness, the Xunta de
Galicia (regional government of Galicia)
and the tinned products company Frisco,
the project analyses sustainable wastewa-
ter treatment by applying the anammox
process which results in significant energy
savings and a reduction of the sludge pro-
duced during this process.
Eduardo González, chairman of FCC Aqua-
lia, thanked the panel of judges for the
award and stressed that innovation is “one
of the keys for improving the quality of life
of citizens”.
González wanted to share the prize with the
Company’s staff “since this prize recogni-
ses the work carried out day-to-day at FCC
Aqualia in providing a basic public service
such as end-to-end water management”.
Lastly, he highlighted the innovation efforts
made by FCC’s water management di-
vision. This work includes more than 20
R+D+i projects being conducted by the
company in areas such as water quality,
environmental sustainability, and smart ma-
nagement of cities.
From left to right: in the forefront Ignacio Garralda, chairman of Fundación Mutua Madrileña; Carlos
Moro, chairman of Grupo Matarromera; Ana I. Pereda, director of EXPANSIÓN; José Manuel Soria,
minister of Industry, Energy and Tourism; Giampaolo Zambeletti, vice-chairman of Unidad Editorial;
and Eduardo González, chairman of FCC Aqualia.
The minister’s speech
José Manuel Soria, the minister of Indus-
try, Energy and Tourism, underscored the
relevance of sustainable companies in the
prestige of Spain abroad. “Spain has sto-
ries to tell, the sum of the stories of compa-
nies that make our country great. We refer
to the Spain Brand and the growth of tou-
rism” he stressed.
The minister highlighted the contribution
of FCC Aqualia which, with its technology,
provides solutions to one of the main pro-
blems of the human race, water, together
with energy and food. “Where there’s no
water but there is technology, there is a so-
lution to this challenge in many parts of the
world”, he said.
FCC Aqualia is currently involved in 20
research projects, many of which are
being co-funded by the Spanish Go-
vernment or by the European (7ºPM,
LIFE+, Eco-Innovation, etc.).
20 projects