FCC Aqualia con,-ell@s
The “Yo, contigo” (I’m with you) campaign,
sponsored by FCC Aqualia’s Human Re-
sources Department in the week prior to the
celebration of the International Day Against
Gender Violence, ended with the participa-
tion of 120 FCC Aqualia employees from
Central Services and various Production
The initiative, developed for the first time in
the social network Twitter, focused on the
hashtag #FCCAqualiadiceNOalaViolencia-
deGénero. The aim of the campaign was to
create awareness on the enormous social
scourge that is gender violence.
This action was in keeping with the activi-
ties that have been carried out by FCC and
FCC Aqualia as companies awarded the
Equality Seal by the Ministry of Health, So-
cial Services, and Equality.
Several news agencies such as Europa
Press, general information media, Human
Resource and Corporate Social Responsi-
bility websites, and the water sector have
given media coverage to this campaign.
Thanks to its dissemination, the #FCCA-
qualiadiceNOalaViolenciadeGénero hashtag
recorded hundreds of messages during the
course of the campaign.
s o c i a l
r e s p on s i b i l i t y