Page 70 - FCC 120 years
P. 70

Mar de Aneto floating
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Aqualia and Majis established
                                                                                                                                                                                                                a joint venture to manage
                                                                                                                                                                                                                water installations at the Port
                                                                                                                                                                                                                of Sohar, in Oman.
                                    FCC Construcción was
                                    awarded three new sections                                                                                                                                                  The FCC Environmental
          The Bilbao Biscay Water   of railway in Romania.                                                                                                                                                      Services division consolidated
          Consortium contracted                                                                                                                                                      In Andalusia, FCC Medio    its position in the USA by
          Aqualia for the operation,   We won the competitive                                                                                                                        Ambiente achieved major    winning the recyclables
          maintenance and           contracts to extend Section                                                                                                                      successes, including the   contract in Houston.
          management of the drinking   I, and subsequently Section                                                                                                                   contract for solid urban waste
          water distribution networks   II of the Inter-American                                                                                                                     collection, street cleaning   Aqualia built the Guaymas
          for the population of 132,000   Highway in Panama, worth                                                                                                                   and parks and gardens      desalination plant, a project
          in the Bilbao metropolitan   543 and 349 million dollars                                                                                                                   maintenance in Jaén for 143   underpinning its presence
          area.                     respectively.                                                                                                                                    million euros.             in Mexico.

                                    We completed the          Aqualia was chosen to      In 2017 FCC Medio Ambiente                                        Aqualia won its first contract   FCC Construcción will be
                                    construction of the Mersey   manage the new waste water   celebrated over 40 years in                                  in Panama with the project   constructing two buildings
                                    Gateway Bridge in the     treatment plant in Burgos,   the environmental sector                                        for the design, construction,   at Technological University
                                    United Kingdom, measuring   designed to provide capacity   by committing to electric                                   operation and maintenance   Dublin's Grangegorman    Cutting-edge electric waste collection
                                    2,248 metres.             for over a million inhabitants.  mobility for municipal urban                                of the Arraiján Este Waste   campus in Ireland.      vehicle. Madrid.
                                                                                         services.                                                         Water Treatment Plant.
                                    Aqualia successfully      Our Group undertook the                                                                                                FCC Medio Ambiente renewed
                                    completed two bond issues   modernisation and expansion   The environmental services                                   FCC Medio Ambiente was    its parks and gardens
                                    totalling 1.35 billion euros.  of the Glina treatment plant   area launched the first 100%                             declared the winner of the   maintenance and upkeep
                                                              in Bucharest, Romania,     electric heavy vehicle.                                           tender for cleaning and waste   contract in Las Palmas de
                                                              for 113 million euros.                                                                       collection services in Bilbao.  Gran Canaria.
              Burgos water treatment plant.
                                                                                         We were awarded the
                                                                                         contract for the second
                                                                                         recovery plant in Houston,              Solid urban waste collection. Bilbao.
                                                                                         Texas, in the USA.

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