Page 65 - FCC 120 years
P. 65

Waste collection in
 Palm Beach.
 Florida. USA.
          Aqualia was the first Spanish
          company to claim a water
          management contract in the                          A consortium headed by FCC
 FCC won the contract to   United Arab Emirates.   Doha Metro.   and another company in
 construct the railway tunnel                          Qatar.  the sector was awarded the
 in the city of Karlsruhe,   We headed one of the             contract to construct the Lima
 Germany.  consortia to lay three lines                       Metro in Peru, for 3.9 billion
          of the Riyadh Metro in Saudi                        euros.                     We were awarded the Red
 We expanded the Toronto   The El Dorado airport control   Arabia, worth 6.07 billion    line of the Doha Metro in
 Metro in Canada.  tower began operations in   euros.         We continued our expansion   Qatar.
 Bogota, Colombia.                                            in Central America with two
 The Group claimed its first   Aqualia broke into the         new contracts in Costa Rica   The waste collection contract
 contract in Brazil with the   FCC and a local partner built a   Tunisian market with the   totalling 70 million euros: a   in Orange County, Florida,
 construction of the Açu   permanent high-speed circuit   construction of the Djerba   waste water sewer and a   was the first awarded to a
 Superport.  in Wales, UK.  desalination plant.               hydroelectric power plant.  Spanish company in the USA.


 The county of   A contract was awarded to   Aqualia won its biggest   Aqualia will be advising the
 Buckinghamshire in the   operate two biomethane   ever contract with the   Panamanian public water
 United Kingdom awarded   plants and one biogas   Abu Rawash treatment  authority in its process of
 FCC Environment its waste   treatment facility at the   plant in Egypt.   modernisation.
 treatment contract for 30   Valdemingómez Technology
 years.  Park in Madrid.  We were contracted for the   FCC and Carso won their
          construction of Lines 1 and 2   first joint contract for the
 We won the tender for the   In 2013 the company   of the Panama Metro, for 1.65   Samalayuca-Sasabe gas
 Gerald Desmond Bridge in Los   announced the appointment   billion euros.  pipeline in Mexico.
 Angeles, USA.  of Esther Alcocer Koplowitz
 as chairperson of the Group's   Aqualia began management   We achieved the equality
 board of directors.  of the two largest water   badge in all our business
          treatment plants in Mecca,   areas.
          Saudi Arabia.

 Gerald Desmond Bridge in Los Angeles.                              Arana treatment plant in Mecca.
 USA.                                                               Saudi Arabia.

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