Page 60 - FCC 120 years
P. 60

2010 2015

                                                                                                                                                                                     For the first time in its history,
                                                                                                                                                                                     our Group generated greater
          We are committed to innovation and technology                                                                                                                              earnings outside Spain than   FCC erected the new Real

          to build the smart cities of the future                                                                                                                                                               Madrid Training Facility in
                                                                                                                                                                                     FCC constructed a railway   Valdebebas, Madrid.
                                                                                                                                                                                     tunnel in the German city of
          The FCC Group helps create the sustainable cities of the future, and in order to                                                                                           Karlsruhe, worth 310 million   A number of football stadiums
          successfully put its vision into practice and respond to social, environmental and                                                                                         euros.                     were built for the 2012
          economic challenges, it offers society the design and efficient and sustainable                                                                                                                       European Championships in
          management of key services.                                                                                                                                                We built two sections of the   Poland, including the Warsaw
                                                                                                                                                                                     pan-European corridor in   National Stadium.
                                                                                                                                 Street cleaning. Avila.                             Serbia.


          We won the urban sanitation   We built a hydroelectric   Major remodelling work                                        We renewed urban sanitation                                                    We were awarded the
          and street cleaning contract   generation complex in   began at Real Madrid's                                          and cleaning contracts in                                                      contract for two sections
          in Orense.                Portugal for 103 million euros.  Santiago Bernabéu Stadium,                                  municipalities including Avila,                                                of the Madrid-Extremadura-
                                                              adding to the experience                                           Castellón, Badajoz, Hospitalet                                                 Portuguese Border AVE
                                    Our Group erected the     already built up on other                                          and Melilla.                                                                   high-speed railway line,
                                    new RCD Espanyol football   successful projects at such                                                                                                                     totalling 120 million euros.
                                    stadium in Cornellá,      grounds as Atlético de                                             FCC received the Best in
                                    Barcelona, receiving the   Madrid's Vicente Calderón,                                        Construction 2010 Award for                                                    In 2011 Barcelona City
                                    highest stadium rating    Barcelona's Nou Camp and                                           the construction of the I-95                                                   Council and FCC marked
                                    granted by UEFA: category   El Sardinero in Santander.                                       Miami Express highway in the                                                   the centenary of the first
                                    4. FCC received the Stadium                                                                  United States.                                                                 cleaning and underground
                                    Business Award 2010 for the   A new recycling and waste                                                                                                                     maintenance contract in
                                    world's best sports facility of   management centre opened                                   In 2010 Aqualia consolidated                                                   Barcelona.
                                    the year.                 in the United Kingdom.                                             its position as the leading
                                                                                                                                 water management company
          Summer maintenance in Prostejov.                                               I-95 Miami Express highway.             in Andalusia, with contracts
          Czech Republic.                                                                United States.                          totalling 447 million euros.  Public water service.

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