Page 58 - FCC 120 years
P. 58

In 2007, Esther Koplowitz
          purchased the Ibersuizas                                                                                                                                                   We built and operate the
          stake in B-1998 and                                                                                                                                                        South West Acute Hospital
          strengthened her position as                                                                                                                                               in Northern Ireland.
          the leading shareholder of
          FCC.                                                                                                                                                                       Our Group won a water
                                                                                                                                                                                     supply project in Mexico.
          We built the Vidin-Calafat                                                     A contract worth 251 million
          Bridge over the Danube,                                                        euros was won to lay a                                                                      The New Cairo water        FCC entered the FTSE4Good
          measuring 1,791 metres in                                                      section of AVE high-speed                                                                   treatment plant was built and   international sustainability
          length and linking Bulgaria                                                    railway line to Almeria.                                                                    operated in Egypt, serving   stock index.
          and Romania.                                                                                                                                                               a population of one million.
                                                                                         Zaragoza City Council                                                                       This was the first contract   In Austria, we launched
          FCC expanded Gran Canaria                                                      awarded us the construction                                                                 awarded in Egypt for a     an urban waste energy
          Airport under a contract                                                       and operation of the new                                                                    public-private partnership   generation plant in
          worth 124.6 million euros.  Bridge between Vidin (Bulgaria) and Calafat (Romania) over the Danube.   tramway system.   New Cairo treatment plant. Egypt.                   (PPP) project.             Zistersdorf.


          Aqualia set up a water    In 2008 the Board of Directors                                                               The Group built the Murcia
          infrastructure management   of FCC appointed Esther                                                                    Tramway for 264 million
          company together with     Koplowitz and Esther Alcocer                                                                 euros, and will operate the
          the European Bank for     as First and Second Vice-                                                                    system for 40 years.
          Reconstruction and        Chairpersons.
          Development (EBRD),                                                                                                    We built the Torres Porta
          to operate in Central     Operations began at the Baix                                                                 Fira complex in Barcelona,
          and Eastern Europe.       de Llobregat waste water                                                                     comprising the Torre Realia
                                    treatment plant in Barcelona,                                                                and the Hotel Porta Fira, the
          We invested in the renewable   the largest such facility in                                                            latter claiming the Emporis
          energies sector by setting up   Europe.                                                                                Skyscraper 2010 award as
          a new business unit:                                                                                                   the best such building in
          FCC Energía.              The Board of Directors of                                                                    the world.
                                    FCC approved the company’s
                                    Environmental Policy.
                                                                                                                                                                    Hotel Porta Fira and Torre
                                                                                                                                                                      Realia in Hospitalet de
                                                              Murcia Tramway.                                                                                          Llobregat. Barcelona.

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