Page 72 - FCC 120 years
P. 72

San Marcos viaduct.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                FCC won the contract to
                                    FCC Construcción was                                                                                                                                                        extend Riyadh Metro Line 4
                                    contracted for the design and                        The FCC Group finalised                                                                                                to King Khalid International
                                    construction of the planned                          the sale of a minority stake                                                                                           Airport in Saudi Arabia.
                                    expansion of Jorge Chávez                            of 49% of Aqualia to the
                                    International Airport in Lima,                       Australian fund IFN for                                                                                                Aqualia produced 17.5 million
                                    Peru.                                                1.024 billion euros.                                                                                                   m³ of biogas per year, enough
                                                                                                                                                                                                                to power a fleet of 10,000
                                    We laid the Nuevo Necaxa -                           FCC celebrated the 2018                                                                                                vehicles.
                                    Ávila Camacho highway in                             Investor Day in the company
                                    Mexico, including the San                            of Carlos Slim and the                                                                                                 We signed the concession
                                    Marcos viaduct, the highest in                       executive team of the                   All-Gas Project for biogas generation using an algal culture at                contract for the Haren prison
                                    the Americas.                                        FCC Group.                              the Chiclana waste water treatment plant. Cadiz.                               in Belgium.

          FCC Medio Ambiente        FCC Medio Ambiente was                                                                      FCC Construcción was       The Granada Provincial
          renewed its contract for the   the successful bidder for the                                                          awarded the contract for   Authority contracted Aqualia
          maintenance and upkeep of   street and beach cleaning                                                                 the design and construction   to manage 61 waste water
          parks, gardens and green   and waste collection and                                                                   of the connection branch   treatment plants.
          spaces in the city of Oviedo,   transport contract in the city                                                        between Metro Line 2 and
          Asturias.                 of Vigo, Pontevedra.                                                                        Tocumen International Airport   The “live healthy” programme
                                                                                                                                in Panama, with a budget of   was launched, as FCC’s
          We implemented a          We won the contract for the                                                                 90 million euros.          commitment to personal
          Compliance system at the   design and construction of                                                                                            well-being.
          company and underpinned   the new North Runway at                                                                     FCC won the contract for the
          our commitment to integrity.  Dublin airport in Ireland.                                                              comprehensive remodelling   Aqualia’s new Central
                                                                                                                                of the Plaza de España in   Water Laboratory in Oviedo,
                                                                                                                                Madrid.                    Asturias, became a national
                                                                                                                                                           flagship institution.

                                                              Solid urban waste. Vigo.                                                                                               Line 2 of the Panama Metro.

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