Page 34 - FCC 120 years
P. 34

Collection truck equipped for manual
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   hermetic collection of solid urban
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            waste. Barcelona.

                                                                                         During the decade road
                                                                                         cleaning services brought in
                Interior of the                                                          the first automatic loading
                recycling and                                                            80-litre bins and 800-litre
             composting plant.
                 Tarragona.                                                              containers.


          Street cleaning service.   Our Group laid the Calle
                                    O’Donnell - Avenida de
                                    América section of the M-30
                                    motorway in Madrid.

                                    Work began on the Madrid
                                    Metropolitan railway with the
                                    new Pacífico-Oporto line, the
                                    first tunnel in Spain to use the
                                    shield boring technique and
                                    a mechanised system to line
                                    the tunnel with prefabricated
                                    concrete sections immediately
                                    after boring.

                                                              Madrid Metro. Oporto-Lago section.

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