Page 33 - FCC 120 years
P. 33

1960 1970                          Sewer cleaning equipment. Barcelona.

 We innovate in managing

 urban services and improving


 For the first time we embarked on solid urban waste collection using bins and containers,
 requiring the adaptation of our waste collection trucks. We also began to use pre-stressed
 concrete to build urban structures, a technique which improves on the material’s natural
                                                                           Waste water treatment plant La China.
 weakness.                                                                 Madrid.


 We began to set up our first   We began construction on   Barcelona-La Junquera  We undertook the   We built the El Corte Inglés
 in-company workshops for   Spain’s first toll motorway,   toll motorway.  construction of two   department stores in
 collection and cleaning vehicle   covering the route between   underground car parks on   Barcelona (Plaza de Cataluña
 maintenance.  Barcelona and La Junquera.                     Paseo de Gracia in Barcelona,   and Diagonal), Bilbao, Gijón,
 FCC was awarded the Mollet-                                  the first in the city, with   Girona, Las Palmas, Madrid
 In Zaragoza we launched   Granollers section.                capacity for 1,270 vehicles.   (Preciados and Princesa),
 the elimination of organic                                                              Malaga, Seville (Plaza del
 waste by means of aerobic                                                               Duque) and Zaragoza.
                                                                                         Operations began at the
                                                                                         Portland Valderrivas plant in
                                                                                         El Alto, Madrid, with capacity
                                                                                         to produce 783,000 tonnes of
                                                                                         cement per year.

                                                             Solid urban waste collection
                                                             services Madrid.

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