Page 16 - FCC 120 years
P. 16

1920 1930                                                                                                                                                                                             Extension of Calle Balmes.


                                                                                                                                                           First motorised street cleaning
          We built major infrastructure for the                                                                                                            vehicle. Barcelona.
          Barcelona International Expo

          FCC played a particularly key role in the famous Barcelona International Expo of
          1929, devised as a commercial and industrial showcase for Catalonia’s burgeoning
          manufacturing and trading sector.


                                                              The Barcelona International   The most notable                                                                         We began work on           In 1925, Barcelona City
                                                              Expo prompted substantial   contributions made by FCC                                                                  FCC Head Office on Calle   Council awarded FCC the
                                                              investments in urban       to this major event included            Construction of FCC Head Office on                  Balmes in Barcelona. A     first annual award for
                                                              infrastructure, with the need   the urban development of           Calle Balmes. Barcelona.                            fin-de-siècle stone building   artistic buildings in the
                                                              to undertake projects in   the Expo grounds and the                                                                    in the classical style, topped   city of Barcelona. The
                                                              record time, demonstrating   Plaza de España in Barcelona,                                                             by four large allegorical   building is now included on
                                                              the high level of technical   where four hotels and more                                                               figures sculpted by Josep   the Historical and Artistic
                                                              capability achieved by FCC.  than 4,000 homes were built                                                               Tenas. Each of them features   Architectural Heritage
                                                                                         in truly record time, alongside                                                             different elements: a book,   Catalogue of the Catalan
                                                                                         the urban development of                                                                    a pillar, flowers and fruit,   capital.
                                                                                         a section of the Rambla                                                                     respectively representing
                                                                                         de Cataluña, which was                                                                      culture, architecture, art
                                                                                         transformed into a boulevard,                                                               and agriculture.
                                                                                         and Calle Balmes, covering
                                                                                         over the underground
                                                             Plaza de España and Expo grounds.   railway which ran along the
                                                             Opening of the Barcelona International
                                                             Expo.                       thoroughfare.

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