Page 15 - FCC 120 years
P. 15

Cart for street cleaning.

                                                                                         We cobbled the main roads of
                                                                                         Badalona and Hospitalet de
                                                                                         Llobregat in Barcelona.

                                                                                         Road surfacing undertaken
                                                                                         across the city of Zaragoza.

                                                                                         We built two bridges for the
                                                                                         Barcelona International Expo.


          We began work to restore   We won the parks
          and adapt the Valencia    maintenance and promenade
          Central Law Courts, formerly   paving contract in Barcelona.
          the Royal Customs House
          and subsequently a tobacco   We built the docks at the port
          factory.                  of Castellón de la Plana.

                                    FCC made the first ever use
                                    in Spain of bitumen road
                                    surfacing using sprayed
                                    tar, marking the first move
                                    towards modern roadways.

                                                                             Stables on
 Presentation of urban sanitation                                       Calle de Las Cortes.
 services Barcelona.                                                         Barcelona.

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