Page 12 - FCC 120 years
P. 12

1910 1920                                                                                                                                      Colmenar Viejo quarry.



          of change                                                                                                                                        Spain's main towns and
                                                                                                                                                           cities gradually set about
                                                                                                                                                           paving their streets with
          In the early years of the last century we helped build Spain's cities and played a key                                                           cobblestones. Given the
          role in the process of making them more habitable through the development of new                                                                 foreseeable demand for
          construction techniques and by facilitating waste management and urban sanitation.                                                               these materials, FCC acquired
          FCC has since the very outset shown its commitment to developing                                                                                 quarries in Ciudad Real and at
          and transforming cities.                                                                                                                         Colmenar Viejo in Madrid.         FCC vehicle yard on the Port Montjuic highway.


                                                              We undertook our first     Our Group won the contract                                                       Presentation of
                                                              construction works outside   to collect solid urban                                                         waste collection
                                                              Catalonia. A number of     household waste and to clean                                                        Barcelona.
                                                              sewerage projects were     public streets in Barcelona.
                                                              awarded in Madrid.
                                                                                         We won our first service
                                                              In 1911 we won the sewerage   contract in Madrid, being
                                                              cleaning and maintenance   assigned the underground
                                                              service contract for Barcelona.   sewerage system.
                                                              This contract marked a
                                                              milestone in the company's
                                                              history, as its initial entry into
          Cuatro Caminos metro station.                       the field of services, through
          Madrid.                                             which FCC first began to
                                                              diversify its operations.
                                                                                                                                 Drains cleaning.
                                                                                                                                 Atocha roundabout. Madrid.

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