Communication Network - Nº25 - page 81

and the restoration of vegetation in the dis-
mantled zone.
The size of the new cell is large enough for
the storage of all the waste from the lindane
landfill thereby ensuring its stability over the
long term.
Throughout the entire project, several trucks
were used to transfer more than 200,000 m3
of materials (about 420,000 tons) from the
old deposit to the new cell. Of this amount,
65,000 tons were lindane. The trucks were
not allowed to leave the premises until they
were thoroughly cleaned.
In order to protect the water underground
and right under the surface, the new cell has
two permanent drainage networks installed
at different depths. This water flows into se-
veral deposits making it possible to control
and characterise before flowing back into
the surrounding areas. FCC Ámbito has im-
plemented waterproofing and control solu-
tions beyond those required by current law
in this respect.
It also built a conditioning and transfer plant
at the foot of the former lindane waste depo-
sit for the treatment and load of waste under
the conditions required for the safety of the
The different types of materials that were
extracted and removed were analysed and
treated according to their respective charac-
teristics in order to optimise the safety con-
ditions during its transfer and ensure future
stability. Several treatment processes were
implemented, such as:
The encapsulation of HCH powder
waste in big-bags.
Physical-chemical stabilisation of slud-
Decanting of liquid waste for its
treatment and elimination at authorised
treatment facilities.
Waste was classified according to different
Industrial waste, consisting of HCH
in its pure powder form or mixed with
other materials.
Liquid waste produced in the lindane
manufacturing process.
Sludge (one of the isomers of lindane).
Solid urban waste and voluminous
waste (polyethylene, other plastic ma-
Control measures
To prevent contaminants from spreading du-
ring the excavation and transfer processes,
several control measures were implemen-
ted. These measures included use of dry fog
dust suppression systems; the temporary
Equipment for controlling the spread of particles:
High volume catcer of partilces of less than 10 micras
(forefront) and catcher of sedimentale particles of more
than 30 micras. (in the background).
200,000 cubic
metres of treated mate-
rials, about 420,000 tons,
were transferred of which
65,000 tons were
pure lindane
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