Communication Network - Nº25 - page 83

sealing of the excavation areas with plastic
sheets to avoid the generation of contamina-
ted water and dust during adverse weather
conditions; and stabilising the banks of the
excavated areas at a height of 2.5 or 3 me-
tres to prevent the materials from collapsing
and generating dust.
Excavation equipment for loading opera-
tions was installed at a height above that of
the trucks and other measures were imple-
mented such as cleaning the paved surfaces
and maintaining the dirt roads wet.
The contaminated water generated during
the dismantling operations was deposited
in an overflow chamber from where it was
pumped to the waste water treatment fa-
cility situated at the same location for its
treatment, control, and final discharge into
the river in authorised conditions.
Access to the fenced-off area
One of the most important aspects during
the execution of this project was the imple-
mentation of the most stringent safety and
cleanliness measures to protect workers at
the work site during the dismantling opera-
In order to access the hazardous or the
fenced-off area, a strict protocol was es-
tablished for passing from the White/Black
units to ensure that employees were duly
A thorough monitoring system was defi-
ned for controlling and detecting any pos-
sible dispersion of particles and gases by
installing several measurement equipment
throughout the worksite and the outlying
areas. An online alarm system made it possi-
ble to adopt the necessary control measures
Environmental monitoring was also supple-
mented by controlling any possible impact
on the soil, surface and underground water
in the surrounding areas.
To ensure that the support surface of the
former landfill site area was completely free
of contaminants, a Verification Plan was im-
plemented to analyse the dismantled area.
A special safety
plan was implemented due
to the hazardous nature of
the materials
Julián Imaz, manager of the joint-ven-
ture, focused on Institutional Relations
with the Provincial Council of Aragón
as well as with the public company
Sarga. He was also in charge of the
project’s administrative control.
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