Different stages
Transformation, however, is not automatic.
There are several stages ahead in this pro-
siness units, hierarchical levels, and
geographical origin. It will be a repre-
sentative group that will be playing a
very relevant role; the in-house dis-
semination of the global FCC brand.
They will receive training on brand ma-
nagement; will learn team management
skills, and those required for dissemi-
nating the message. They will repre-
sent a role technically known as Brand
Ambassadors. As in-house catalysts,
they will make a significant contribu-
tion to ensure that in the future; our
brand is solid, associated with recogni-
sable values, and business-generating.
Behind this effort is the conviction that
no one has more credibility, in-house
and externally, than those of us who are
part of the Company; that all of us are
privileged channels of communication.
It is necessary to understand the rea-
son behind this. Distancing ourselves
from our everyday tasks to refocus
on the vision of the company where
we work requires that we all make an
effort. This is not something reserved
solely for senior management.
All efforts must have an objective. To
become part of a project, it is neces-
sary to feel that you are part of the
horizon towards which the company
focuses this project.
Applying a new approach in the day-
to-day tasks will require some ad-
justments. Efforts in this respect must
be unanimous.
Creating a favourable climate in the
process of presenting a global brand
that combines all of the Group’s ca-
pabilities, is what will give us the
strength and consistency. The multi-
plying effect of this positive approach
is unquestionable..
This new brand management approach is a
challenge that all of us must face and also
requires great efforts. The objective, howe-
ver, is two-pronged: achieve a stronger and
more competitive positioning in the national
and international markets; and achieve a
better future for all who are part of the FCC
o r p o r a t e