The Brand & You project designed and developed
by the Marketing and Brand Corporate Division
makes us all part of this initiative.
The comparison of the brand image with
the piggy-bank marketing simile used in
marketing schools throughout the world –
is the best way of making us understand
the real meaning of a brand.
A piggy bank without any savings is nothing;
it is simply an object. A brand without attri-
butes is the same; simply a name. In or-
der for the piggy bank to have any value,
it is necessary to feed it coins on a regular
basis. In order for the brand to represent
something, it has to be endowed with attri-
butes, visibility values, every day by all who
work in the company or the organization
which it represents.
FCC’s strategic plan contemplates the
need of working for and in favour of a glo-
bal brand, one which is strong recognised,
and which makes us proud of being a part
of the company. The idea behind this is to
increase its value, not just vis-à-vis share-
holders, but also our clients which, at the
end, are our neighbours.
Why now? We are all aware that the world,
society, the market, are currently in a trans-
formation process and we must meet this
challenge. If we are not strong if we have no
recognition, and if FCC is not perceived as
what it really is, one of the leading compa-
nies that contributes value in the cities whe-
re it operates, the efforts will be that much
more difficult.
Why me? You are the company and whate-
ver you do, you represent all of us. It does
not matter if you work in an office or in the
field, that you meet with clients or work in
functional departments; your contribution
helps to fill up the piggy bank.
All the above explains and is behind the
BRAND & YOU project. Based on the
“Brand Academy” project, B&W aims to
contribute to developing our global FCC
brand as what it should really be, a com-
pany asset and a source of pride for all of
B&W is part of the strategy for creating
and developing a global FCC brand. Befo-
re launching this initiative, the GEM group
(Strategic Brand Group) analysed the situa-
tion and defined the method and applica-
tion for the FCC brand as explained in an
article published in a previous edition of our
You are also part
of the brand
A relational model
The following outline will help us to un-
derstand our “relational model” and how
it works, that is, how FCC interrelates
with its clients, with clients understood to
be those who benefit from what we do.
It details graphically that FCC is awar-
ded a construction project by an orga-
nization, such as a viaduct, a waste co-
llection service, or water management.
The final beneficiary of what we do,
however, is the citizen. His opinion will
be very important for us and also for
the organization or company that awar-
ded the contract to us, particularly if it
is sensitive to public opinion. “FCC Citi-
zen Services” synthesises this concept.
In terms of brand, the better they know
us, the more that they will value or ser-
vices. The more they value us, the bet-
ter we will be able to sell and the more
we differentiate, the better our positio-
ning in comparison with our competitors.
The aim of the B&G project is for a group of
people from our company to become fami-
liar, in a positive yet professional way, with
the process of creating, formalising, dis-
seminating, and enriching the FCC brand
so that it is able to transmit our values
and capabilities on its own. BRAND&YOU
will allow us to disseminate the achieve-
ments among the other members of FCC.
Four groups will be created consisting
of FCC employees from the various bu-