At the proposal of Esther Koplowitz, Chair-
man of the FCC Board of Directors and with
the favourable opinion of the Appointments
and Remuneration Committee, Sara Megía
Recio was named deputy manager of the
Chairman’s Office.
Sara Megía has a degree in Business Ma-
nagement and Administration from Univer-
sidad Autónoma de Madrid and a Master’s
degree from ESIC in Marketing Manage-
Sara Megía Recio,
manager of the chairman’s office
ment and Commercial Management. She
joined FCC in 2006 and since 2007 has
been acting as the deputy director of the
Internal Audit Corporate Department in the
international area. She previously worked in
financial audit at PwC.
Agreement with Hospital Carlos lll
on international vaccination
FCC entered into a collaboration agree-
ment with Hospital Carlos III of Madrid to
provide the necessary aid and assistance
to travellers and expatriates in our Com-
pany at the Travel Unit and the Tropical Di-
sease Section, a reference institution with
one of the oldest and most experienced
tropical disease unit.
Fernando Carrillo, managing director of
Carlos III, and Emilio Hermida, corporate
director of the Employee Services Human
Resources Department, signed the agre-
ement at the hospital’s facilities accompa-
nied by Carmen Yolanda, medical director,
and Sabino Puentes, the head of the Tro-
pical Medicine Unit, both members of the
Carlos III Hospital staff, and Juan Carlos
Sáez de Rus, the Manager of FCC’s Oc-
cupational Safety, Health, and Welfare, and
Rafael Echevarría de Rada, the manager of
FCC’s Medical Services.
The service is aimed at three different types
of user who are part of this Group and who
will benefit from personalised care, fast and
highly specialised.
Individualised pre-travel check-up
(advice for travellers), checking the
vaccination status, possible aller-
gies, diseases, vaccinations and
prophylaxis, among other healthcare
Post-travel visit, without acute or ur-
gent symptoms with the necessary
tests and explorations.
Post-travel visit, with acute/urgent or
priority symptoms, also including the
necessary analyses and tests.
Advantages for all
This agreement contributes more advanta-
ges to our Company’s international strategy
for all FCC employees and family members,
who can also benefit from this service, who
travel for other than professional reasons.
Anyone who wants to benefit from this ser-
vice can contact FCC’s Medical Services
(Telephone, Madrid, 91 314 2429; Barcelo-
na, 93 352 50 61) which will be pleased to
handle all queries.