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The objective of this contest is to reward
the initiatives or actions of FCC employees
that contribute to sustainable development,
the implementation of the appropriate mea-
sures for the use of natural resources, and
the start-up of new processes.
The award-winners were:
Alberto Pradillo Roberti and Miguel
Hernández Hernández, from FCC
Construcción, for their project:
Waste recovery in demolition pro-
María Herrando Zapater, from FCC
Energía for the initiative: Combined
photovoltaic and thermosolar ge-
neration for our buildings.
Diplomas were also given to runner-up pro-
Mentality Water App, submitted
by Bernabé Hinojosa Lopera, from
FCC Aqualia.
to Reflect Urban Sustainability
(S.E.D.R.U.S.) platform submitted
by FCC Medio Ambiente emplo-
yees Catherine Milhau, Patricia
Ana Serrano Héctor, Isabel Ma-
ñeru Puig, Elena Mínguez Castro,
Susana Cea Berrueco and Gabriel
Morales Barreras, and by Jaime
Ramón Quintilla, from Information
Systems and Technologies.
Manufacturing of iron and steel
aggregates from recycled and re-
covered slags from steelworks,
submitted by Enrique Cordero Fer-
nández, Carlos Martín Ortiz and
Roberto Rivero Eguía, from FCC
This year, the prize in these International
Eco-Efficiency Awards consisted of a five-
day, all expenses paid trip for two people to
the Maya Riviera
Link to Juan Béjar’s blog:
Alberto Pradillo Roberti, from
FCC Construcción, the winner of this edition.
María Herrando Zapater, from FCC Energía,
winner in this 3
edition of the awards.
o r p o r a t e