New structure
of the
Group’s central
The FCC Board of Directors approved the
proposal submitted by the Vice-Chairman
and CEO, Juan Bejar, of the new organi-
zational structure of central services. The
purpose of the reorganization is to give
business managers the capacity to make
decisions on the functions and resources
that have a direct bearing on the gross ope-
rating income (EBITDA) of their respective
In accordance with the new philosophy,
corporate units will be called “central ser-
vices”. The name itself explains the scope
of the functions supporting the business.
These units will be in charge of defining the
general policies and of ensuring that these
are complied with.
Reporting directly to the CEO, the central
services will include the General Secretariat
(legal counsel) and the general corporate
departments of Administration (tax, accou-
nting, and administrative processes), Finan-
ce (treasury, financing, management and
budget control, and investor relations), Or-
The divisions
will now have
to reorganize
their regions and
branch offices
ganization (human resources, information
systems and technologies, and aggregate
procurement), Internal Audit (risk manage-
ment), and Communication and Corporate
Social Responsibility.
In connection with the foregoing, the new
organizational chart implies that Finance will
be in charge of management; Organization
will include human resources, information
systems and technologies and aggregate
procurement, and Internal Audit will now be
responsible for risk management.