We want to promote eco-efficiency among
the team and achieve, as in the previous
edition, a high rate of participation that
contributes to making eco-efficiency a di-
fferentiating trait of our company, and that it
becomes part of FCC’s day-to-day.
A concept was created for this edition of
the award that represents the objective
sought by FCC with this initiative that was
launched three years ago. “Ideas that chan-
ge the World” was born with the intention
of encouraging all employees to participate
and to be aware that their ideas or actions
can, in fact, change the world.
The International Eco-Efficiency Awards ce-
remony was held at the FCC head offices
in Las Tablas (Madrid). Esther Koplowitz,
FCC’s chairman, presided the event jointly
The great eco-efficient
ideas of María Herrando
Zapater, from FCC Energía,
and of Alberto Pradillo
Roberti and Miguel
Hernández Hernández,
from FCC Construcción,
were deserving of this
with Juan Béjar, CEO of FCC and by the
managing director Alicia Alcocer Koplowitz.
They were also accompanied by the secre-
tary general, the CEOs of the various bu-
siness units, and by the managing of the
central services and business units.
FCC has the objective of having eco-effi-
ciency become one of the differentiating
traits of the company. This third edition was
marked by the high international participa-
tion. Ideas were submitted by workers in
Austria, Hungary, and the United States,
among other countries and, for the first
time, employees from different company
areas have collaborated, taking advantage
of the knowledge of each of their respective
areas in order to submit common projects,
thereby generating synergies among these
business areas.
FCC gives
out the lnternational
Eco-Efficiency Awards
One of FCC’s
key objectives is for
eco-efficiency to become
a distinctive trait of the