FCC Logística’s
Cross-Docking service
in Portugal
FCC Logística
has launched this new
service in Portugal which
focuses on the
refrigerated goods sector.
These types of operations, which began
at the end of 2012 and, in the first half of
2013, have become the chosen solution by
many companies in the food industry that
operate in Portugal”. As the company sou-
rces have stated, “operations are simple
and highly efficient”.
Handling of these goods is centralised at
the FCC Logística platform in Azambuja
(Portugal) where clients deliver their refri-
gerated goods (between 0 and 7º C) every
day and where FCC professionals receive
the merchandise, prepare the order, and
deliver the goods the day after their arrival
at the platform.
From the Azambuje platform, FCC Logística
is currently managing an average of 20,000
shipments daily and more than 6,000 tons
of refrigerated goods from various clients.
The target is for this new service to benefit
Extension of the contract with the Coca-Cola Refrige bottling
plant in Portugal
The logistics company has just extended
and enlarged the collaboration agreement
in Portugal with the company Refrige, Co-
ca-Cola’s sole bottling plant in Portugal.
Collaboration with Refrige dates back to
2008 with a limited project that now inclu-
des storage, the preparation of orders, co
packing work, and distribution.
At its facilities in Azambuje, very near Lis-
bon, FCC Logística receives every day the
products from Refrige’s various plants, in-
cluding the one located in Azeitão. At the
logistics platform an average of 9,000 pa-
llets are stored, with an average 4,700 de-
liveries on a monthly basis and a total of
9,000 tonnes distributed.
For the refrigerated goods sector
also the companies that operate from Spain
but whose final customers are in Portugal,
thereby speeding up the delivery of goods
in the neighbouring country.
In the logistics industry, cross-docking re-
fers to the preparation of a certain type of
order (one of the functions of a logistics
warehouse) without placing the merchan-
dise in stock or involving picking opera-
tions. It enables the transit of materials
from different destinations and consolida-
tes merchandise with different origins.
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