The FCC Environment branch
in Las Palmas has launched a preventive
As in all activities that require
significant physical efforts, it is
necessary to do some warm-up
exercises before each work day to
prevent injuries, improve health, and
reduce sick leave.
One example is the initiative launched at
FCC Environment in Las Palmas consisting
of warm-up and stretch exercises before
the start of the working day. Each employee
performs warm-up exercises and stretches
the body parts that work the hardest during
FCC Environment in Las Palmas in char-
ge of the upkeep of trees and green spa-
ces in the city. The working day for those
who work in parks and gardens begins at
seven in the morning. Employees meet
at the Company’s machinery park on the
road from Guanarteme to Tamaraceite. Af-
terwards, the Company’s 270 employees
depart for work.
before starting work,
an example
worth following