FCC Ámbito
to decontaminate
the Bailín
landfill site in Sabiñánigo (Huesca)
Ágora Forum
on innovation
The department of Agriculture, Livestock,
and the Environment of the Government of
Aragón awarded a 5,707,653 euro contract
to a joint-venture in which FCC Ámbito holds
a 60% stake for the execution of phase B
of the hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) landfill
site in Bailín, Sabiñáñigo (Huesca),
The work to be carried out includes the
excavation of the waste deposited at the
site (about 177,000 m
), its transfer and
treatment at the transfer plant and its final
dumping at a new cell which has already
been built.
In addition, the project contemplates the
upgrading of the underlying ground by re-
moving the affected soil (estimated at an
additional 33,000 m
) with the subsequent
environmental remediation of this zone.
The landfill site was originally created as a
result of the industrial activity of INQUINO-
SA, a chemical industry situated Sabiñánigo
(Huesca) whose main production line con-
sisted of the production of lindane for its
marketing as an insecticide.
The Ágora Forum to promote innovation,
growth, and encourage public-private co-
llaboration to include private companies
pioneer in their sectors was organized by
the Barcelona City Council at Universidad
Politécnica de Cataluña on 16 May of this
The manufacturing process generated a
very high percentage of non-marketable
recalcitrant, carcinogenic, and highly toxic
by-products which were classified as hazar-
dous (approximately 66% of the manufactu-
ring process generated waste).
The geological complexity of its location, the
waste filtrations in underground waters, and
the precarious situation of the HCH land-
fill site could only be addressed by the only
technically and economically viable offering
sufficient environmental guarantees: it was
necessary to build a new safety cell, dis-
mantle the current landfill site, and transfer
the waste to a new cell.
The work to be carried out should be con-
templated from the “Environmental Reme-
diation” perspective, that is, and as part of
this contract, group of measures aimed at
resolving the impact originating from the
waste deposited at Bailín’s HCH landfill site.
All waste that will be dug-up during the dis-
mantling phase will be taken to a treatment
area, that is, the transfer plant, where a field
laboratory will be available for analytical con-
Each of the different types of materials, de-
pending on their nature, physical state, con-
sistency, and chemical characterisation will
be treated separately at the transfer facility.
The treatments for preparing, bottling, trans-
porting, and subsequent disposal of the de-
finitive waste in the cell are specifically desig-
ned for each different type of waste.
A geographical database to be created
using GIS applications to obtain a 3-dimen-
sional model of the final location of the waste
in the new cell based on the typology and
physical-chemical characteristics.
The objective of the project is focused on
detecting improvement opportunities by
the Administration, the University, or the
private sector to improve the quality of life
of citizens.
The first seminar focused on urban pave-
ments and how to create and maintain the
urban infrastructure in acceptable service
conditions in an economic restricted envi-
The three presentations made by the mu-
nicipal directors of Urban Projects, Infras-
tructures and Investments, and Transport
Networks were held at the Aula Magna of
the faculty of Civil Engineering. The direc-
tors discussed the specificities of urban
pavements, the related problems and con-
Javier Ainchil Lavín, Technical Director, re-
presented FCC in the experts group in a
panel comprising three university profes-
sors and two representatives from the engi-
neering and urban materials industries.
The Ágora project plans to continue to or-
ganise more seminars throughout the year.
The next editions, which will focus on ener-
gy efficiency, are currently in the preparation