FCC Environment,
a leader in recycling and
waste management
The MBT facility, which has planning per-
mission, is anticipated to be operational in
Summer 2014.
The MBT operator, FCC Environment (UK)
Ltd, has established a long-term fuel supply
agreement with Ferrybridge Multifuel Ener-
gy Ltd, a Joint Venture between SSE plc
and Wheelabrator Technologies Inc. which
is building a £300m, 500,000 tonnes per
annum, multifuel electricity generation facili-
ty at the SSE Ferrybridge power station site
in West Yorkshire. (England).
Fuel recovered from household residual
waste will be delivered to the Ferrybridge
facility for the purpose of electricity genera-
tion from 2015 onwards.
In the meantime, fuel produced from the
MBT facility will be delivered to the new
Runcorn Energy from Waste facility under
the terms of a S101 Local Government Act
agreement with Greater Manchester Waste
Disposal Authority and operator Viridor.
Runcorn Energy from Waste will use RDF
from Wrexham, Greater Manchester and
other contracts to generate up to 70 MW
of renewable electricity and up to 51 MW
of heat. This will reduce the need for landfill
as a waste disposal option by using waste
as a resource from which to recover energy.
For Wrexham Council this variation will pro-
vide the benefit of saving money, reducing
carbon footprint and providing a solution
which will meet statutory recycling targets
for the long term.
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