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Wrexham Council and
FCC Environment
renew contract
Wrexham Council and FCC Environment
have formally agreed a significant contract
variation that will allow the Council to meet
the new, more stringent statutory recycling
targets that have recently been introduced
by the Welsh Government.
This novation will ensure that reliance on
landfill disposal is reduced even further in
the future thus resulting in both significant
environmental and financial benefits to the
This new phase of the Council’s waste
strategy marks yet another step in the suc-
cessful development of Wrexham Eco Re-
cycling Park in Bryn Laien in 2009 which
is part of the Private Finance Initiative (PFI)
alliance between Wrexham Council and
FCC Environment.
Thanks to this agreement, the city of Wrex-
ham was able to meet the initial 40% re-
cycling target set by the Welsh Govern-
Biological treatment plant
The new project will see the development
of a Mechanical Biological Treatment (MBT)
Plant on the Bryn Lane site that will recover
recyclate and produce a refuse derived fuel
(RDF) from the household residual waste.
Pass on to the next phase of their waste management contract
North of Wales
Wrexham is a Welsh village and the ca-
pital of the unit authority of Wrexham in
northern Wales (United Kingdom).