Page 6 - FCC_N18_eng

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Round-table discussions
“Never give up”
The ONCE Foundation, in an event where
everyone was able to participate, talked
about trying to overcome the difficulties
of suffering from any type of disability. The
speech was given by Edurne Álvarez de
Mon, a technician at the ONCE Founda-
tion Inserta Program who is disabled and
a good example of someone who has stru-
ggled to overcome difficulties, surpass ba-
rriers, and face personal and professional
FCC has been collaborating closely for se-
veral years with programs aimed at labour
and social integration of people with disabi-
lities, expanding its actions towards groups
at the risk of being socially excluded. One
of the key highlights of the week’s events
was the involvement of specific individuals
who have set examples through their per-
sonal experiences and their success in
overcoming these difficulties.
Link video:
Family Program
The Family Program, entered into with the
Adecco Foundation and the Inserta Plan
with the ONCE Foundation, are two of the
key tools used to develop the project for la-
bour and social integration of people with
disabilities. The company also collaborates
with other organizations such as the Spa-
nish Red Cross, the Exit Foundation, and
the Ministry of Health and Equality.
We want to continue increasing value for
the communities where we provide servi-
ces, to their residents and to all who are
part of FCC through programs and measu-
res to encourage equality and respect for
Screening of the short film
“The Butterfly Circus”
One of the week’s highlight was the scree-
ning of the short film, “The Butterfly Circus”,
Testimony of Sergio on the importance of
family, one of the key pillars for the social
and labour integration of people with di-
sabilities. Sergio is one of the many indi-
viduals who have benefited from the Fa-
mily Program of the Adecco Foundation
for close family members of FCC emplo-
yees who have some sort of disability.
See the document