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r o u p
The goal of this one-week event is to pro-
mote, among FCC stakeholders, an en-
riching and inclusive vision of people with
disabilities and to actively encourage their
integration into society, especially in terms
of professional development, as well as im-
proving their participation in daily life and
their family situations.
FCC’s Corporate Responsibility and Hu-
man Resources areas maintain strong
commitments to these issues and work on
a day-to-day basis to achieve this integra-
tion and vision through company-wide im-
plementation of their Equality and Diversity
Policy and the 3rd Corporate Responsibility
Master Plan.
FCC also works closely with organisations
such as the Adecco Foundation, ONCE
Foundation, and the Red Cross, as well
as with public institutions, such as Spain’s
Ministry of Health and Equality. FCC main-
tains and promotes cooperation agree-
ments with these organisations, and also
participates in work programmes focused
on labour market integration of people with
disabilities and of groups at risk of social
exclusion. The objective of the work carried
out is to manage diversity to reinforce the
bonds with the communities where FCC
provides its services.
The activities during the week were orga-
nized at four venues, mainly due to logis-
tics, to represent all FCC employees. These
sites included the corporate buildings at
Las Tablas and at Federico Salmón Street
in Madrid; the Collado Villalba Retirement
Home (Madrid) and the La Nostra Casa
Home (Valencia) for people with disabilities,
both of these facilities built and funded by
the Esther Koplowitz Foundation and dona-
ted to the respective autonomous commu-
For further
Política de Igualdad y Diversidad.pdf
Campaña no te rindas nunca.pdf
Convenio Inserta Fundación Once FCC.pdf