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Brand&You Brand Academy
FCC’s vision goes beyond its visual identi-
ty since it encompasses the strategic idea,
assets, culture, people, and programs of
the entire organization. That is, the FCC
brand needs to be fed on a daily basis by
all the people who are part of the Group.
Accordingly, to give continuity to the GEM
Project, the brand academy, known as
Brand&You was created.
Its purpose is to build awareness of the
global FCC brand and its attributes among
all its employees worldwide, aiming for the
greatest possible participation to ensure
the maximum in-house dissemination.
This is being carried out by four transver-
sal work teams in various geographical
areas and hierarchical levels so as to have
the greatest number of Group personnel
involved in the project, a sufficiently large
sample to be able to manage this project
As of the second half of 2013 and throug-
hout 2014 bi-monthly meetings will be or-
ganized in four Spanish cities and the pro-
ject will proceed in two major phases:
First phase for training.
Focused on
training on subjects such as brand
management with its attributes, group
dynamics, perception and intangible
values, structural coordination,...
Second phase to implement mea-
The members of the groups,
similar to Brand Angels or Brand Am-
bassadors, will become the drivers
among their groups, becoming the
spokespersons to describe the pro-
gress made in the project through a
valuation and ongoing improvement
Brand&You is a project linked to the Strate-
gic Plan and will contribute to change ma-
nagement, actively incorporating all FCC
personnel in the new Group approach,
achieving the participation of everyone in
the transformation process.
lnternal approach
Its purpose
is to build awareness
among all personnel on
the global FCC brand and
its attributes
k n o w l e d g e