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This specific project was launched in the
last quarter of 2012. Its objective is to
achieve a clear and agreed upon definition
of the global brand, by means of a Brand
Architecture, in order to achieve a brand
that meets the Group’s requirements, and
to define the Standards and Procedures to
enable its implementation.
After more than six months of work, orga-
nizing regular meetings chaired by the Cor-
porate Department of Corporate Marketing
and Brand, and with the support of external
advisors, and thanks to the efforts and co-
llaboration of the GEM Team – a team crea-
ted specifically for this project comprising
FCC professionals representing the various
Group activities and involved in brand ma-
nagement in their specific areas – we suc-
ceeded in achieving the first milestones of
the operating plan:
Analysing the current situation with
the existence of more than 150 Group
Assessing and rating of these brands.
Analysing competencies at the brand
and applications level.
Defining the new FCC global brand ar-
Evaluating the implementation timeta-
Designing Manuals and Management
The main result of the first stage of Strategic
Brand Management was the contribution
of a new global Group Brand Architecture,
with different levels of applications. Hen-
ceforth, it will also promote the application
standards by means of the FCC Corporate
Visual Identity Manual, and will encourage
its correct use through the future Brand
Management Centre.
The application of each of these cases and
of the implementation standards to the va-
rious supports will be reflected in the new
Corporate Visual Identity Manual.
There are cases, within the currently exis-
ting independent brands within the Group
that are particularly significant, as analysed
in the Strategic Brand Management project
and the decision was to integrate these in
the global FCC brand using various formu-
las depending on each specific case.
A significant example is the integration of
the Aqualia brand in the new global Brand
Strategic Brand Management (GEM)
External approach
FCC Global Brand Architecture
FCC is committed to a viable Brand Architecture based on concentration and
simplification that is resolved at three levels:
Level 1, Corporate: Parent corporate brand:
FCC and its uses,
with or without the corporate description (Citizen Services) which will be de-
tailed in the new Corporate Visual Identity Manual.
Level 2, Operating: Activity brands.
Focusing, in this case, on the
operating business structure, agreeing on the simplification of the number of
brands of each of the three Group business areas: Infrastructures, Environ-
mental Services, and Water Management.
Level 3, Product or Service.
For social or commercial brands in spe-
cific markets or own products/services. Their names are grouped under the
corresponding operating brand, without its own graphics formula.
The integration of the Aqualia brand within the FCC parent brand has many important
Bolsters FCC Group as a leader in the Services industry (Environment + Water).
Strengthens the Aqualia brand as an integral part of a major Group.
Internationalisation by speedier introduction of the brand in markets where FCC
is already operating.
Greater internal cohesion.
Mayor cohesión interna.