Page 45 - FCC_N18_eng

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attractive alternative in its sector. To achie-
ve this, over the past six months FCC has
advanced significantly in two key projects
of the Corporate Department of Communi-
cations and Corporate Responsibility, and
headed by its Corporate Marketing and
Brand Department:
From an external perspective: Stra-
tegic Brand Management (Spanish
acronym, GEM) for the final formula-
tion of the global brand, its application
and development throughout the entire
From an in-house perspective: a Brand
Academy (Brand&You) to develop a
plan for in-house dissemination and
awareness among the Group’s person-
Single identity
The brand as such then focuses on
a single global identity, applied loca-
lly, that will reach the global category
and thus enable FCC to:
Add value to the Group
Develop a new Group strategy.
Facilitate its international expan-
Generate in-house cohesion and
pride in being part of the Group.
k n o w l e d g e