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Record Occupational Safety
Health results in 2012 in Spain
Grupo Cementos Portland Valderrivas
The number of accidents with sick leave
in Spain has dropped 68% in the last four
years, from 141 in 2008 to 45 in 2012. It
should also be mentioned that accidents
requiring sick leave at the Group during last
year were minor accidents.
These results have been achieved thanks
to the efforts and close collaboration of the
departments involved, their teams, and the
Department for Occupational Safety and
A good example of this is the special men-
tion awarded to the Mataporquera factory
The Cementos Portland
Valderrivas Group (GCPV)
factories at Alcalá
de Guadaíra (Seville),
Hontoria (Palencia),
Mataporquera (Santander),
and Vallcarca
(Barcelona) ended the year
2012 without any accidents
requiring sick leave of its
own personnel, a success
also achieved by the entire
Mortar business unit. The
aggregates plant
at Coreses (Zamora)
deserves special mention
for its 10 years without
any occupational
as part of the “Zero Accidents in Cantabria
Target” launched by the Cantabria’s Institu-
te of Safety and Health at Work. The dis-
tinction was given to 16 companies in the
region by Cristina Mazas, Councillor of the
Department of Economy, Treasury, and Em-
ployment in an event held on 22 February at
the Institute’s headquarters.