Page 39 - FCC_N18_eng

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Many traffic accidents occur during working
hours. Road safety is part of Occupational
Safety for any employee, whichever is the
sector where they work and accordingly,
the involvement of companies in this issue
is essential.
FCC has always demonstrated its involve-
ment in this issue and has developed and
implemented its Strategic Road Safety
The Mapfre Foundation organised an Inter-
national Seminar on road safety in Panama
City, Quito (Ecuador) and in Lima (Peru).
The seminars focused on “Driving Safely,
preventing road accidents at the company”.
Well-known experts in this filed partici-
pated, including several FCC employees,
who debated this issue and shared their
knowledge on how to reduce the risk of
road accidents to a minimum and how to
apply this knowledge in the work in the
work environment.
An interesting exhibit was organised during
the seminar, describing the European and
Latin American vision on this issue, and the
at the
lnternational Seminar
Road Safety
in the Company
various seminars were focused on three
major blocks of knowledge:
Road safety at companies
Road safety experiences and good
practices at companies.
Prevention policies at companies.
Within this context, FCC, as a company
with international prestige, participated and
shared its knowledge on road safety in the
business world, detailing the specific mea-
sures that have been implemented where-
ver it conducts its activities.
The paper on “Road Safety Management at
Work” was presented as part of the section
of Prevention by various FCC representa-
Panama City, Panama
Juan Carlos Sáez de Rus, manager
of the FCC Corporate Department for
Occupational Safety, Health, and Wel-
Quito, Ecuador
Celestino González, corporate mana-
ger of Proactiva Medio Ambiente Mexi-
co – FCC Group.
Lima, Peru
María del Río Lopezosa, technician
working at FCC’s Corporate De-
partment on Occupational Safety,
Health and Welfare.
w e l l - b e i n g