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The “Road Safety at the Company: 4th
Meeting on Good Practices”, organized by
the Spanish Foundation for Road Safety
(FESVIAL, Spanish acronym) and sponso-
red by the Traffic Department (DGT), the
Institute of Safety and Health at Work (INS-
HT) and the General Directorate of Labour
of the Government of Aragón, was held on
14 March.
The event was inaugurated by María Seguí,
general director of Traffic, with the participa-
tion of administrations, labour unions, em-
ployers’ associations, and companies from
different sectors and different sizes which
shared information and experiences in the
prevention of occupational road accidents.
The participation of FCC Citizen Services
in the round table discussion on Company
Experiences was headed by Carmelo Jimé-
nez Bozal, director of Labour Relations at
the Aragón and La Rioja branch offices of
the Environment Division. He detailed in the
auditorium FCC’s commitment to the pre-
vention of occupational road accidents and
its implications in line with the Road Safety
Strategic Plan and the specific objectives
defined by management of the Environ-
ment Division’s corporate department for
the prevention of occupational hazards.
Model of good practices
The best example of this commitment was
the presentation on the background and
development of the measures that have
been implemented at the Aragón-La Rioja
regional offices that serve as a model of
good practices and has delivered positive
results in reducing road accidents at work.
Under the leadership of the manager of
the branch office, an interdisciplinary group
was created, coordinated by the Human
Aragón-La Rioja Delegation
Strong commitment
to training and information
for workers accompanied
by technical measures
in vehicle maintenance
and in the work equipment
Resources Departments and made up of
the heads of the Prevention, Medical Servi-
ces, Training, and Production departments
who are in charge of incorporating road sa-
fety in all actions in the public thoroughfares
and of analysing the incidences in this field.
The branch office is firmly committed to tra-
ining and of providing information to wor-
kers, accompanied by technical measures
in vehicle maintenance as well as on the
work equipment. Significant work is carried
aimed at the prevention of road accidents
by integrating road safety and mobility in
the management of activities.
Information on the seminar can be obtained
at the FESVIAL website. For more detailed
information on the measures implemented
FCC Medio Ambiente
shares Road
Safety good practices
by the Aragón – La Rioja branch, contact
their Prevention Department by calling
976.592.316 or by sending an e-mail to
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