Page 36 - FCC_N18_eng

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Reception and pre-treatment
The treatment of leachate
Air capturing and treatment systems
The FCC prevention team has implemented
several improvements to control hazards,
thanks to which, the rate of accidents at
the plant has been constantly decreasing.
Some these measures include:
Protection against explosions:
Drafting the “Document for the Protec-
tion against Explosions”.
Specific work procedures for the plant.
Protocol for the work permits in ATEXZ
Work overalls made with anti-static fa-
Fixed and portable methane gas de-
Protection against biological hazards
Specialised company in charge of
washing and replacing work gar-
Protocol for hepatitis and tetanus vac-
Maintenance and control of the refri-
geration tower, maintenance perfor-
med by specialised company, and
control of water at the tower at the
plant by taking daily measurements.
Rat extermination and permanent dis-
infection of the facilities.
Protection against chemicals:
Portable detectors of toxic gases (am-
monia and hydrogen sulphide).
Specific garments and equipment for
handling corrosive products (chemical
protection overalls, PVC boots, neo-
prene gloves, etc.).
Semi-masks with filters for protection
against toxic gases.
Installation of eye-washers next to the
chemical analysis laboratories and
chemical products deposit.
Fire protection:
Aspirating and thermal smoke detec-
tors, gas detectors and infrared came-
Sprinkler system, water curtains, hy-
drating gas fire extinguishers, BIEs,
and manual powder and CO
Protection against electrical hazards:
Restriction and control of access to
the high voltage facilities.
Strict control of the entrance and exit
for personnel enforcing the use of the
mandatory safety helmets and high-
visibility garments.
Designing a special tour for visits or-
ganized by the City Council to control
Specific protocols for medical check-
ups, stressing the risk of falling from
heights and biological hazards.
for reducing the
rate of accidents
World Day for Safety
and Health at Work
The General Director of Work and Manager of the Regional Institute for Safety
and Health at Work of the Madrid Community, María del Mar Alarcón Castellanos,
showing an interest for the details provided by one of the plant’s employees.