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Smart use of water
through innovation, the
key idea in this contest
“The future of water looks good becau-
se you’re painting it” was used the slogan
for this 11th edition of the International
Children’s Drawing Contest sponsored by
FCC Aqualia to commemorate Word Wa-
ter Day. This year the contest stressed the
development and the application of new te-
chnological innovations, some of which are
already available, that contribute to a more
efficient use of water at homes and cities
and are also respectful of the environment.
To build awareness among the youth, who
will be the citizens of the future, FCC Aqua-
lia invites children from 3rd to 4th grade in
townships where the company operates in
countries such as Spain, Portugal, Italy, the
Czech Republic, and the United Arab Emi-
rates. The contest is held coinciding with
Word Water Day which, this year, was cele-
brated under the slogan “International Year
of Water Cooperation”.
The slogan aims to remind us of our res-
ponsibility of informing the younger genera-
tions on the importance of the rational use
of this resource. This year, the slogan also
aims to stress the efforts of water managers
Edition of the lnternational
Children’s Drawing Contest
such as FCC Aqualia in implementing new
techniques and innovations that make life
easier for citizens.
According to the company sources, “we
are developing new technologies at the
service of citizens based on innovation and
the use of information technologies so that
we can contribute to the creation of smart
services since the end-to-end water cycle
is becoming increasingly important for mo-
dern cities and their inhabitants.
“Once again this year, we want the drawing
contest to contribute to transmitting this
message to youngsters since they repre-
sent the future. This way, they will not only
learn more about water and the end-to-end
cycle, but will become aware and apprecia-
te the work involved in bringing water to ho-
mes, with full guarantees of quality as well
as quantity, using technologies that make
life easier and contribute to the responsible
consumption of this resource”.