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The Cementos Portland Valderrivas Group
(GCPV) has restored nearly 8.5 square me-
tres of quarries and gravel pits in Spain from
the year they started operations until last
year. This area is equivalent to nearly 1,200
soccer fields and accounts for 45% of the
total areas under exploitation. Another 9%
are currently being restored.
Eighty-six % of the Group’s quarries and
gravel pits, from which gravel is extracted
(sand, gravel, and rocks) have been res-
tored and recovery work is currently being
carried out in 12% of these.
Grupo Cementos Portland Valderrivas
Six facilities participated
in the 6th Day of Trees
and Aggregates
A restored area equivalent
to the size of 1,200 soccer fields
Schoolchildren from Clara Campoamor de San Martín de la Vega visit the El Porcal (Madrid) quarry.
Six of the GCPV facilities – El Porcal (Ma-
drid), Orpí (Barcelona), Arcos (Cadiz), Gi-
lena and El Naranjal (Seville) and Andujar
(Jaén)- participated in the 6th Edition of the
Tree and Gravel Day, an initiative promoted
by the Association of Gravel Manufacturers
(ANEFA, Spanish acronym) with the objec-
tive of providing information on the industry
and to encourage children to respect the
About 300 children aged 7 to 13 partici-
pated in the events organised at the faci-
lities of the Cementos Portland Valderrivas
Group where they planted more than 400
In last year’s edition, 42 gravel sites owned
by different companies participated in the
event with more than 3,000 children parti-
cipating and plating over 5,000 trees. Since
2008, about 16,000 children visited the si-
tes in the first five editions of this event and
planted about 25,000 trees.
Protection of the environment, the sustai-
nable use of resources, adequate manage-
ment of waste and emissions, and the fight
against climate change are the key objecti-
ves for Cementos Portland Valderrivas. The
company has been recognised with several
distinctions for its recovery and restoration
work, including several National Awards for
Sustainable Development at Quarries and
Gravel Pits which are given out by ANEFA.
Gravel is an essential element used in the
construction of buildings and public works
and is also used to manufacture glass win-
dow panes and glasses, paper for books,
notebooks and newspapers, in steel for
cars, and even in medicines, computers
and is also used to generate electric power.
Each individual consumes 4,600 kilograms
of gravel each year, about twelve per day.
s o c i a l
r e s p on s i b i l i t y