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World Water Day
On World Water Day, several departments
conducted educational activities. In Ibiza,
50 fourth-grade students and the coun-
cilmen for the Environment and Education
visited the desalination Plant. Students and
the local authorities were accompanied by
the director of FCC Aqualia’s offices for the
Balearic Islands, Eduardo del Castillo and
by Antonio Sáez, the head of the Municipal
Water Department and were able to learn
first-hand about the details of the history
and operations of this facility which started
operations in 1994.
In Santa Eulalia del Río (Ibiza) more than
500 of the town’s students participated in
the Children’s Congress for Saving Water.
The objective of this program is to work
towards achieving environmental quality
and sustainability in our surroundings and
to promote good habits, respect and res-
ponsibility in relation to the environment
among students.
In Miajadas (Cáceres), the City Council
and FCC Aqualia celebrated the week by
visiting the waste water treatment plant
with more than 100 students and several
neighbourhood associations. Antonio Bar-
ba, head of Aqualia’s department in the city
showed them the different phases involved
in the freshwater treatment process and
distributed copies of the Hydrokid comic
book among the students.
In Algeciras, several of the city’s schools
were able to tour during the entire week the
new waste water treatment facilities and
to learn about the water cycle at this plant
which recently started operations. Emalge-
sa was in charge of organizing this initiative.
In the Tropical Coast of Granada, Manuel
Ruiz, water and services manager gave a
speech on the water cycle to the students
at the Cardenal Belluga School in Motril.
The Museum of Contemporary Art in Vigo
was the venue chosen by Aqualia and the
local authorities for inviting 200 of the city’s
Several departments in Andalucía also ce-
lebrated this event by handing out the pri-
zes from last year’s drawing contest and
providing details about the new contest in
several cities such as Rota, Sanlucar de
Barrameda and Cadiz.
In Vigo, the city’s mayor Abel Caballero, and
the Councilman for Public Works, David
Regades, accompanied by José Luis Gar-
cía, head of FCC Aqualia’s offices in the city
and José María Ardoy, the FCC Aqualia’s
manager in Vigo, gave out the prizes to the
winners of the 10th edition of the internatio-
nal children’s drawing contest.
In Santander, neighbourhood associations
visited the spring water reservoirs, the wa-
ter treatment plant, and the water museum
at the Pronillo water deposit.
The schoolchildren of Guijuelo studied the
end-to-end water cycle with the help of
Hydrokid, the main character of the comic
book “Hydrokid, the water guardian”. Chil-
dren also visited the city’s drinking water
and waste water treatment plants.
In Ávila, the city’s mayor Miguel Ángel Gar-
cía Nieto; Antonio Pérez, the councilman
for Public Works and Services, and José
Gabriel Lumbreras, head of FCC Aqualia’s
department, distributed the prizes for the
10th edition of the international children’s
drawing contest.
In La Solana (Ciudad Real), an agreement
called “The Water Trip” was signed under
which measures will be designed and ca-
rried out to teach good habits for water
Lastly, in Plaza del Charco in Puerto de la
Cruz (Tenerife), various activities such as
workshops and seminars were organized
to raise awareness on the responsible use
of water.
focused on building
awareness on the proper
and responsible
use of water
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